Today's athletic schedule.

Good numbers for strength and conditioning this afternoon. This is open to all girls every Tue and Thu.

Schedule Update: Due to our softball field being unplayable, today's softball game with Freeburg has been moved to Freeburg. First pitch will be 4:45 at Freeburg H.S. The varsity and JV baseball games will still be played at home as those fields are playable.

**Senior Spotlight**
—Kali Thomas will be attending Missouri State University
—Marleigh Toenyes will be attending Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
—Emily Hall will be attending Lewis and Clark Community College
—Riley Shook will be attending Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Good luck and do great things!!
(We will continue to spotlight seniors daily)

Happy Tuesday! There will always be someone who can' t see your worth, don't let it be you! Remember to DO GREAT things today OilerNation!

A huge thank you to Midwest Members Credit Union for sponsoring this year‘s after prom shirts.

- Softball vs. Marquette is cancelled
- JV baseball at the Kersee Center in ESTL is a go for 4:30
- Girls soccer at Staunton is on. 5:00 kickoff and the park is on Tubular Steel Rd.
- The County track meet will begin at 4:00, Admission is $3

Today is Monday, April 25, 2022
**Seniors--Please look at your email to find the link sent by Mrs Robinson to complete your Senior Spotlight. Be sure to enter your name and the name of the college/university/trade school/branch of the military that you will attend next school year. Mrs Robinson will put out social media senior spotlight pictures following spring break until graduation. If there are questions, please email Mrs. Robinson.
**Students that were on high honor roll 1st semester can pick up their voucher for 2 Cardinal tickets from the Guidance Office.
**Seniors:If you have received a scholarship that will not be presented at the Senior Assembly on May 4th please stop by the Attendance Center and give the information to Mrs Dixon so it can be read at the assembly. Also if you are joining the military after graduation please give that information to Mrs Dixon. Only information reported will be read at the Senior Assembly.
**The library will be closed Tuesday, April 26th due to SAT make up testing.
**Prom is Saturday, April 30th at Lewis and Clark Community College in the Commons. Doors open at 6:45 pm, dinner is 7-8 pm, and the dance is from 8-11 pm. Approved guests must arrive with EAWR junior or senior student.
After Prom is a parent sponsored event and it is being held at Altitude in Glen Carbon. After Prom starts at 11:30 pm and ends at 2:15 am. Waivers need to be turned into the Attendance Center by Thursday, April 28th and a committee member will bring them to Altitude.
Please see the After Prom Guidelines below:
1. Anyone attending After Prom must arrive between 11:30-12:15 am or will not be let in. No one may leave before 1:15 am unless a parent is contacted. After Prom ends at 2:15 am.
2. Parents are responsible for making transportation arrangements to and from Altitude.
3. Approved guests must arrive with a junior or senior EAWR student. Guests must be under 21.
4. No tickets will be sold at the door.
5. If anyone is believed to be under the influence, parents will be contacted and the police officer will be notified.
6. Once a student is at the After Prom they must stay in the designated areas.
7. After Prom is a parent sponsored event and is not sponsored by EAWR.

**Senior Spotlight**
—Jaymee Neathery will be attending Eastern Illinois University
—Alissa Rodgers will be attending Saint Louis University
—Lydia Ruot will be attending Illinois State University
Good luck and do great things!!
(We will continue to spotlight seniors daily)

Happy Monday OilerNation. Quality means doing the right thing when know one is looking. Remember to do GREAT things!

Congratulations to Tyler and Kage as they advance to the IHSA Esports State Finals in the game of Super Smash Bros. They played excellent at the Salem Sectional this weekend to earn the opportunity to compete in the first IHSA Esports state final ever. Nice work!

Want something to do on a rainy day? Come out and watch the final showing of Mary Poppins by EAWR Thespian Troupe 733. They've done a fantastic job this weekend and would love to see the house filled!

Chestnut Health Systems and Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership is sponsoring Parent Talks for parents in Madison County and St Clair County. The next Parent Talks is on Thursday, April 28th from 6-7 pm. Please see the flyer for additional information and how to register.

Here is this week's athletic schedule. Let's go Oilers!

Great job by the EAWR Thespian Troupe 733 on the production of Mary Poppins. One more show tomorrow, Sunday, 2 pm.

Varsity baseball beat Maryville Christian 8-7.

Varsity baseball is underway here at Maryville Christian.

Mary Poppins tonight and tomorrow night at 7 pm and Sunday at 2 pm. Tickets are $10 ages 11 and up, $8 ages 3-10, and ages 2 and under free.

EAWR seniors attended early bird registration with Mrs. Struif today at LCCC to register for classes in the fall.

Congratulations to Jason Shaw for signing his letter of intent to wrestle at Central Methodist University in Fayetteville Missouri.